Ahmed El Shami

Our founder Ahmed Elshami’s story, much like bivalves, is about two halves meeting to become one. He was born in Alexandria and emigrated to the United States at the age of five when his family moved to NYC for his father’s posting with the United Nations.
Some of his fondest memories as a child were the summers he spent in Alexandria by the Mediterranean, and the highlight of those summers was getting to eat his favorite treat the wedge clam. He adored these clams and knew they were something very special by their scarcity and the price they commanded. Years later, Ahmed would use his chemistry degree to develop sophisticated marine aquarium systems to aquaculture a wide variety of clams and corals, and at present he has 25 years of experience in RAS systems. That knowledge coupled with his love for Mediterranean bivalves is what compelled him to start Sea Gardener.
He loves all things sea, whether that’s fishing, swimming, diving, or cooking his favorite seafood dishes.
Sea Gardener's technology is revolutionizing the bivalve industry in Egypt's Nile Delta. By optimizing the supply chain, our solution extends the lifespan of clams, significantly increasing the available harvest for trade and consumption.
Bivalves are some of the least expensive and most efficient protein sources, in comparison to meat and poultry and their impact in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Shellfish also have the inherent ability to sequester carbon dioxide and remediate polluted bodies of water over run with organic material from sewage and agriculture run-off.

Bivalves are some of the least expensive and most efficient protein sources, in comparison to meat and poultry and their impact in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Shellfish also have the inherent ability to sequester carbon dioxide and remediate polluted bodies of water over run with organic material from sewage and agriculture run-off.
Sea Gardener's technology is revolutionizing the bivalve industry in Egypt's Nile Delta. By optimizing the supply chain, our solution extends the lifespan of clams, significantly increasing the available harvest for trade and consumption.
Sea Gardener focuses on educating and employing women in the harvesting and seeding of clams along the entire delta network as well our own direct employment of women. We rely on our harvesters to provide us with clams and therefore pay them 2-3x what they are receiving from traditional middle-men in the current rudimentary supply chain.